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Machibura Soft Serve Ice cream
The Ito House Restaurant
Soft serve ice cream is a must when wandering around town. Your body wants something sweet and cold when its tired.
Just for Machibura - Goshuin stamps
Uga Shrine
Uga Shrine can be found on Hitoichi Avenue. It is a shrine that prays to eels with shrines to dragons and snakes nearby.
Tono Brewing TAPROOM
Here you’ll find a wide range of seasonal craft beers. Try the different varieties and you will definitely find something you like.
At Nakamuraya you can find an assortment of Japanese and western sweets. On the Machibura course you can get three kinds sweets for the course including cookies or roll cakes.
You can try your hand at making a cute but simple turtle in the free space nearby (old Santa-ya)
Hayachinekou – the scents of sacred Mt. Hayachine
Kato Buddhist Artifacts
Here you will find Hayachinekou – a unique incense sold here at Kato Buddhist Artifacts for over 50 years.
Local sake and stories about Hitoichi avenue
Matsuda Liquor Shop
Hitoichi avenue was supposedly given its name because the market would open on dates with a 1 in them (“hito” is 1 in Japanese).
Let’s make some kousen – it’ll taste great!
This is a cereals and rice shop here in Tono. Here you can make and try some kousen or ground barley cake on the Machibura tour.
10 Styles of Tono – Style 1: Kappabuchi Pool and wandering the back paths
Make your own Legend of Tono wandering the little paths and tracks only the locals know. Walk down the dirt and grass paths working where to go next as you go. We can go exploring for kappa together.
A mountain biking journey to go around shrines and temples collecting Goshuin
Dates: 2021/04/01
This is an invigorating journey through the farming village by mountain bike. You can collect goshuin stamps at Tono Hachimangu Shrine, Fukusen-ji Temple and Rokkoushi Shrine.
The “kind of strange 40-minute souvenir” course
Dates: 2021/03/15
①Chiba Furniture→②Matsuda Plant Nursery→③The Ikehata Millstone; Story no. 27 from "The Legends of Tono"→④Uga Shrine→⑤詩季
“Learn, walk and eat” course that follows "The Legends of Tono"
Dates: 2021/03/15
①Street of Folktales→②Tono Municipal Museum→③Old Takazen Ryokan→④The Temple of Remedies→⑤Kura-no-michi Square→⑥Chikurindo